Various other electric vehicles
In addition to the normal Elektrobussen, the company STS also offers other electric vehicles
The product range ranges from fire trucks, electric Tricycles, pick-up loaders, KL truck vans, Mullwägen and much more.
Elektro-Shuttle | Elektro-Wegebahn | City Train | Tren Touristic | Parkliner | Elektro-Bus | Shuttle-Service
Various other electric vehicles
In addition to the normal Elektrobussen, the company STS also offers other electric vehicles
The product range ranges from fire trucks, electric Tricycles, pick-up loaders, KL truck vans, Mullwägen and much more.
Elektro-Shuttle | Elektro-Wegebahn | City Train | Tren Touristic | Parkliner | Elektro-Bus | Shuttle-Service